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Sedona Massage Teachers
Cherlita, Veronica
& Nancy
Staff Members
Nancy Matthews, CSI
Nancy is the founder and director of the Sedona School of Massage. She received her certifications in Massage and Hydrotherapy and Structural Integration at the Florida School of Massage in Gainesville, Florida, where she worked as an administrator and teacher for nine years. In 1996, she came to Arizona where she was co-owner/director of the Arizona School of Integrated Studies until 2001.

Nancy teaches the Communication Skills, Introduction to Homeopathy and Structural Integration classes. She also teaches part of the Anatomy and Physiology course. Her teaching is dynamic, weaving together the art and science of bodywork. Her life’s journey has been one of inquiry, a looking into the very nature of our beingness and human potential. See Youtube video.

Sedona massage instructor Cherlita Brenman, LMT, CSI
Cherlita is a 1981 graduate of Mueller College of Holistic Studies, San Diego, CA. She has had a private practice in Sedona since 1984. She is also certified in Structural Integration. With a degree in education, and former school teacher, she has taught massage for the lay person, infant massage classes, self help classes in Jin Shin Jyutsu, movement and yoga. Her love of teaching and willingness to share her knowledge is tangible and a gift to her students. Cherlita teaches the Swedish Massage portion of the program.
Sedona massage school instructor Nadeja J. Botticelli, LMT, TWH
Nadeja is a certified and practicing Traditional Western Herbalist, as well as a Licensed Massage Therapist. She sees clients and teaches classes in Sedona and Flagstaff, Arizona. She is the founder of Oshala Botanicals, LLC. Nadeja studied formal Traditional Western Herbalism at The Berkeley Herbal Center, in Berkeley, CA in 2014, Massage Therapy at Chico Therapy Wellness in 2016 and at the Sedona School of Massage in 2021. She has been a life long lover of the herbs, wellness, bodywork, and is passionate about sharing the wealth of natural remedies available for all of our healing potential. Nadeja cultivates an organic garden in Flagstaff, AZ.

Cate Miller, BA, NCTMB
Cate has been a therapist and teacher in the massage profession since 1982 and a teacher at the Florida School of Massage in
Gainesville , FL since 1986. Her specialty combines Neuromuscular Therapy with communication and perceptual awareness skills. She encourages her students to excel in both technical and intuitive aspect of bodywork. Cate lives on a 20 acre ranch where she facilitates groups and individuals to develop leadership and teamwork skills through the Challenge of Excellence ropes course. She travels throughout the United States offering advanced training workshops for Massage Therapists.

Cate was given the "Educator of the Year Award" by the Alliance for Massage Therapy Educators (AFMTE) for 2014.

Damian Matthews, LMT, CSI
Damian is a Certified Structural Integrator and Certified Massage Instructor who has been actively pursuing the art and science of bodywork since 1992. As an educator, he has a unique zeal for the information he shares, and his lively group discussions foster an environment of mutual respect and learning. He teaches Kinesiology, Active Isolated Stretching, Nomadics Movement and an introduction to Polarity Therapy. Damian’s teaching style is dynamic and inspires a life long love of learning.
Veronica Vida, MA
Veronica combines her rich experience with an MA in CounselingPsycology/ Expressive Art Therapy, that allows Veronica to bring depth, insight, compassion and creativity  to her work with individuals and groups.  She was a midwife and childbirth educator in the 70’s and early 80’s, and a Certified Montessorie teacher, working with children for 18 years.  Veronica offers a weekly support group within the class, and is available for individual counseling at a reduced rate. Veronica integrates her counseling and art therapy skills with her love for ceremonial rituals and her knowledge of astrology.


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